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- Kane, Jessa
Sacrificed to the Beast Page 3
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Page 3
What I find causes the flesh between my legs to pulse madly.
Diana wears small white underthings that are so thin, I can see right through them to the slit beneath. As if my cock knows it belongs right there, right inside that valley, it grows heavy and thick inside my pants.
Diana lied to me last night. I know I’m meant to join us together with my male part inside her female one, and the impulse to do so now—NOW—is so intense, I bite down on my tongue until I taste blood. My instinct begs me to yank her panties down and ram my rod deep inside her. That’s where I’m supposed to rub. With my cock buried in her female slit. I want to let my semen out inside her there.
I hook my thumbs in the waistband of my pants, prepared to pull them down and feed every inch of my cock into my female, but then I remember. I remember her fear last night when I tried to lift her dress. I remember her words. You can’t just take what you want. I have to offer myself. Otherwise you’re hurting me, Ike.
With the memory of her trembling voice in my head, I force myself to stand and run from the cave. I will only take what she offers. I will not take what is not freely given or she will be hurt.
I would rather die than cause Diana pain.
However, I am also in excruciating pain now and as I come upon the stream, I fall to my knees and draw out my cock. I stare blindly at the waterfall ahead and beat my cock roughly, groaning at the mental image seared onto my brain. Diana’s flesh, so ripe and virginal and fragrant.
“Mine!” I bellow at the woods, clearing the trees of birds.
The seed is rising in my cock and I’m desperate to alleviate the weight in my balls. The sooner I can satisfy this male ache, the sooner I can get back to Diana. She will be awake soon and I want to spend the day trying to make her laugh. Almost there. Oh God. Goddamn. I’d spit on her slit and pound it with my cock while she moans in my ear and calls me beast. I’ll fill her with so much spend, she won’t have to eat for a week. I’ll—
“Well, well. Look what we have here,” sneers a familiar and much-loathed voice on the other side of the stream. Dru Farley. “Shit, Ike. Don’t you even have the decency to abuse yourself inside your cave?”
“Yeah,” says Dru’s brother, Kyle. “Or maybe he wanted us to see.”
Humiliation turns my neck hot and I quickly push my stiff manhood back inside my pants, my stomach cramping in protest. “I apologize,” I rasp, still not thinking quite clearly after being interrupted right on the razor’s edge of salvation.
Dru and Kyle Farley live on the opposite side of these hills. We’ve known each other since childhood, but the division between our families has always run deep. I’ve found the only way to deal with their aggressive natures is to walk away or they will only grow louder and more annoying, though I am forced to occasionally barter food for the batteries they acquire, so I can watch my tapes. I hate doing it, but the shipwrecked characters have saved me from my past loneliness. “I’ll just return to my—”
“You think you run these hills, don’t you?” Dru tosses out, picking his teeth.
“Yeah! You think you can just subject all of us to your disgusting behavior?”
They laugh and high five each other—and their sarcasm isn’t lost on me. The Farleys are usually the ones to engage in disgusting behavior and I hate that—in their eyes—I’ve just come down to their level. I long to return to Diana so I can be cleansed by her presence. I’m turning to return to my cave when both sets of Farley eyes go wide as saucers and I know already that Diana is standing behind me.
Who are these clowns?
I didn’t like them on sight, but as I approached the stream looking for Ike, I heard the rude way they spoke to him. And I really didn’t like it.
That being said, I’m pretty sure I’ve made a tactical error making my presence known because the clowns have their jaws on the ground, and Ike? His back is bristling like the lion he resembles. His back is flexed, hands in lethal fists at his sides and I really, really shouldn’t be so attracted to the whole demeanor.
“Well hell,” Clown Number One says. “Who is that?”
“Mmmm. Yeah,” says the second clown, licking his lips in an obscene way. “Look at that sweet, young thing. I’d be beating my meat, too, Ike. Who could blame you?” He winks at me. “Maybe if I ask nicely, she’ll beat it for me.”
Ike’s roar is deafening. I fall into a crouch with my hands over my ears to avoid permanent deafness. Here is the beast. He’s on full display. But in my eyes, the two men across the stream are the monsters. Why would they antagonize him like this? Ike could smash them to smithereens.
Because he’s gentle.
He’s good.
There’s an intuition whispering these things to me and I’m beginning to believe them. How can I not? He left the cave to touch himself instead of using me for relief. Sure, he might not know exactly how to use me, but he clearly has sexual impulses where I’m concerned that he’s keeping under control. Then there’s the fact that he held me through the night like I was made of the finest china.
My heart flops over thinking of it.
Ike steps into the stream, preparing to cross and probably squeeze these two clowns’ heads off…and I react. I don’t want to witness violence from Ike. Based on the shock on the faces of the men, they don’t usually get a rise out of him. I don’t want to be the reason he inflicts pain on other people.
Before I can stop myself, I fall to the ground and grab my ankle, howling in pain. “Ouch! Oh God, my ankle. My ankle. It’s twisted or something. Ow!”
Ike spins around and lunges for me, his big hands running over every inch of my body, his face a mask of horror. “Diana. No. How did this happen?” He starts to scoop me up in his arms and stops. “Will I make it worse if I carry you? How easily you break, tiny human.”
“I just stepped on it wrong,” I say, fanning my face dramatically. “You can carry me.”
I’m against his strong chest in a heartbeat and his long strides eat up the distance to the cave, the men forgotten at the stream. “Poor Diana,” Ike croons, his brow creased with worry. “Poor little ankle.”
“It’s already starting to feel better,” I say, his distress beginning to make me feel guilty. “I’m sure it’ll be back in ship shape real soon, fire log.”
His jaw is in a permanent flex and he keeps stomping along as if he didn’t hear me. “I should never have left you.”
“Ike. I lied.” I cover my face with my hands. “I just didn’t want you to murder those two yokels over me, so I created a diversion.”
He comes to an abrupt stop at the mouth of the cave. For a moment he stares at me in surprise and then I’m presented with another one of those lopsided smiles that sends my heart skittering in my chest. “You will keep me on my toes, tiny person. Won’t you?” Cradling me with one arm, he boops me in the belly button. I squeal and bat his hand away. “Do you not think they deserved to die for speaking to my girl that way?”
“I’m not your girl,” I say, but I’m blushing.
“You are. I held you while you slept.” He continues into the cave. “I will study your behavior very closely so I know when you’re lying.”
“You say that like I lie all the time!”
He raises an eyebrow at me. “Don’t you?”
I replay the last twelve hours and admit silently that Ike has a point. “Maybe lying is my marketable skill,” I mumble. “Wait, what other lies are you referring to?”
“If you have to ask, there must have been too many.” He sets me down carefully and leaves a hard kiss on my forehead. “What do you mean by ‘marketable skill’?”
“It’s something you’re good at that makes you useful.” A lump rises in my throat. “Last night, when my father helped tie me up like a sacrifice, he told me he wouldn’t…miss my help on the farm…because…”
I have to stop talking because my voice is getting wobbly.
Ike tips my chin up, looking horrified all over again. “How many men do I have to kill for hurting your feelings, Diana?”
“None.” I wipe the moisture away quickly. “None, because you’re not a killer.” I pause. “Those men at the stream are the real monsters, aren’t they? They’re the ones who have been killing and stealing animals in the village.”
Ike grunts and turns away, but I see the answer in his eyes.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
He tugs up the ill-fitting sweatpants that are way too small to contain his bulk. “Would you have believed me?”
No. I wouldn’t have. But in just one day, I’ve witnessed how honorable this giant of a man is. Just now, those men only needled him because they were secure in the fact that he wouldn’t use his size against them. Ike is no beast.
He’s a man. A huge one.
I’m starting to suspect he was made extra large to house his big heart.
Slowly, other pieces begin clicking into place. “They sacrificed another girl. Long before me. You wouldn’t have been alive, either, but…”
He’s quiet for a moment. “My grandfather used to call my grandmother his lamb. They would laugh about it. Perhaps because she was the sacrificial lamb?” He shakes his head. “I don’t know. But they were happy. In their old age, they needed medicine and so they left the hills. I haven’t seen them since I was a child.”
All this time, the villagers thought her dead, when really…she was happy.
Could I be happy here, too?
My eyes roam over his bare, muscular back and travel down to his thick butt and the hard thighs beneath. If he turned around, I would see the outline of his manhood because those pants hide nothing—and I want to see all of him, I realize. I want to touch him and be touched in return. Ike needs my touch. That much is made obvious by the tension in his frame and the way he spears me with hungry looks over his shoulder.
My nipples harden in response and a funny feeling curls in my belly, making my thighs tighten and squeeze together. Just like last night, when I slept with my female flesh pressed up against his steel abdomen, slickness coats my folds and dampens my panties. I move closer to him because I have to, running my hands over the rigid planes of his back.
His head falls back on a groan.
“You’re so warm,” I breathe, tracing my hands down to his waist, my fingertips delving into the waistband of his pants and curling in the material. I want them off. I want him naked and lying on top of me, the way I’ve seen—mostly be accident—in R-rated movies and that one time I got curious and clicked on an adult website. I remained there for all of fifteen seconds, but it was enough to learn the mechanics of sex, and while I’m highly doubtful Ike’s body will fit with mine, I’m suddenly desperate to try. To not only reward this man for being…him, but also give my body what it seems to be yearning for.
“Will you, um…” I whisper. “Will you take off these pants and lie down with me, Ike?”
His big chest is heaving as he turns, walking me backward toward his pallet. “You want to lie with me?”
Rounding up my courage, I reach back and unzip my dress, peeling it off my body and letting it fall in a heap at my feet, leaving me in nothing but white panties. A whimper leaves my mouth when Ike stops, stunned, then falls to his knees in front of me, his hands hovering over my breasts, eyes reverent. “Diana.” His fingertips brush me and my nipples tighten further, causing him to suck in a breath. “You are magnificent.”
I slide my fingers into his mass of hair. “So are you.”
He takes my hips in his hands and tugs me forward, his open mouth taking over my belly. “I cannot. I cannot lie with you, Diana.”
Now there’s an unexpected twist. “Why not?”
His eyes are miserable when he trains them on me. “I peeked this morning. I looked under the skirt of your dress without permission.” He falls back on his haunches, throwing a forearm across his eyes as if it pains him to look at me. “I am sorry, tiny person. I was weak.”
Instead of indignation, I’m caught up in another wave of heat. “I-is that why you left the cave to, um…touch yourself?”
“Yes,” he growls. “I had to leave before I filled that place between your thighs with my cock. Your soft girl part is where my come goes. Not the ground or into my hand. I had to leave before I put it there without permission.” He drops his arm away to reveal blazing eyes. “I don’t know how much longer I can control myself, Diana. Maybe I am a beast. The things I think of doing to your little body…”
His honesty has rocked me back on my heels and sent a new, shivering awareness coursing through me. I’m hot everywhere. So hot. “You are not a beast, Ike,” I manage. “A beast would have taken what he wanted without thinking of the consequences.” I hook my fingers in the material of my panties and drag them down my legs. “I forgive you for peeking. I’m giving myself to you. I want you.”
Am I dreaming?
This beautiful female is giving herself to me. Freely.
Even though I peeked. Even though I admitted I’m losing control.
She is the bravest, sweetest, most perfect girl on this earth. I don’t need to meet a single other person to know that’s the truth. I only need her.
I need her forever.
And God, I need her so bad.
I crawl to her on my hands and knees, wrapping my arms around her hips and burying my face between her legs. I don’t know if this is the right way to proceed, but I’m desperate to match a taste to her scent and—
“Fuck. Oh fuck, you are perfect,” I moan, delving my tongue into the wet, petal-like folds. “Yes, this is what I smelled, Diana. Wet girl. My wet girl.”
Still on my knees, I walk her backward until she falls onto the pallet with a gasp. I keep her thighs spread with my hands and study her pink flesh. As I suspected, it’s been created to correspond with a man. There are two smooth layers that part to reveal a shadowed area, a glistening hole, and while I’m worried I might hurt Diana getting my cock to fit there, I will get it in. It’s the only way to claim her and calm this possessive storm inside me. Mine. This female is mine.
I’m getting ready to lick her some more when I notice a button amongst the folds and I prod it curiously with my tongue.
Diana’s back arches off the pallet. “Oh. Ohhhhhh.”
My brows knit together. This sound she makes is very similar to the one I make when I’m massaging my cock. Using my fingers to spread Diana open, I lean in and lick that nub again again again and she fists my hair, dragging me closer, writhing her damp little parts against my mouth.
“That feels so good. Please. P-please don’t stop.”
“Yet another lie I have uncovered, Diana. You can feel pleasure.”
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I…I knew I could feel pleasure, I’ve just never tried it on myself. Oh, please, just do it again.”
“As if I could stop,” I snarl, my chest puffing with purpose. This knowledge, that I can gratify my mate, is even more intoxicating than taking my own release. Yes. Yes. This is my new purpose. Licking Diana’s… “What is this called?” I ask, tonguing the little bud and feeling her juices run down my chin. Heaven. “What is this pink button called that makes you squirm for Ike?”
Her stomach hollows and shakes. “It’s my clit.”
“Clit,” I breathe, rubbing it in a circle with my thumb. “Such a pretty, little clit you have, Diana. Does it like my tongue?”
“Good. Maybe I’ll lick it morning, noon and night. Would you like that?” My hips move up and back, dragging my hard cock against the bedding. I could achieve relief this way, thrusting at the bunched blankets while I taste Diana’s girl part, but I force myself to stop, knowing I will be unhappy loosing my seed anywhere but her tight hole.
At the mental reminder of her wet entrance, I find it with my finger and twist the digit inside, grunting at how snug she is. I am having trouble getting my finger inside her, let alone my cock. My tongue continues to lap at her clit while I struggle to work in a second finger, hoping to prepare her for what’s coming. I’m reveling in the shape and texture of her nub, the whining sounds it brings out of her mouth, when Diana begins to pulse and constrict around my fingers.
“What is this, Diana? What is happening?”
She pulls at my hair. “Don’t stop!”
Mobilized by the desperation in her tone, likening it to mine when I have to empty my balls, I push my fingers deep and writhe my tongue against her clit, hard, fast, harder, faster. And when she screams, her thighs shaking around my head, I feel a gush of moisture on my lips and know I’ve brought off my female.
I lick her through the throes of her pleasure, then I rear up and pound my chest with both fists. “My female is satisfied.” I shove down the waistband of my pants and fall between her thighs, shuddering with need so strong I’ve never experienced its equal. “Now you will take my seed.”
“Yes,” she moans, petting her breasts, her eyes open on me in something akin to awe. “I have to please you, too. I need it.”
I reach down and grip my cock, shoving the fat tip against her small hole, rubbing in circles to gather moisture, knowing instinctively we’re going to need as much as we can get. “You are my fate, Diana. That’s how I know you will be able to take my cock,” I murmur against her mouth, taking it in a slow, wet mating of tongues. “Fate would not bring us together if I couldn’t fit. It is not that cruel.”
She nods vigorously and settles her small hands on my shoulders. “Will you keep kissing me?”
“Forever. For all of my days,” I say, pressing my cock inside her hole. It is nearly impossible not to throw my head back and roar over her tightness, how it strangles my cock, but I fight through the gratifying sensations and make love to her mouth, swallowing her little sounds of distress—and eventually her scream when I plow all the way forward, filling her to the hilt. Wrapped in her incredible snugness, I can no longer hold in my bellow of possession. It rips through the cave and I start to thrust. “MINE. MINE. MINE.”